Gettting back to normal. After 6 years of incapcitating illness my life is finally getting on track.
I told my husband last winter "if I die in my sleep. ..drag me down to the bottom of the staircase BEFORE you dial 911. Even dead I don't want anyone to see that horrible upstairs" That was when I was still on prednisone, dragging around the 30# I gained while taking it and heaving everything I didn't know what to do with upstairs in our 11 room house.
Flash forward to late Spring, I am finally getting off the Pred, hating the mess my house is in and knowing that I am a pretty lousy housekeeper at best. Think, Paula, use your COMMON SENSE! There has to be a solution [probably consisting of WORK!]
In a weak moment I signed up for Flylady, a paragon of cleanliness who clutters my E-mail box with little notes..."clean your sink, make your bed, use an egg timer to clean for 3 minutes, set the alarm clock and clean for 5 minutes, and on and on til I had to unsuscribe to get the time to do anything other than read messages.
I did pick upon a couple of tips though. My place didn't get this way in a month and it won't be cleaned up in a month. I picked one room, worked every day a minimum of 20 minutes which sometimes turned into 2 hours and after a month and a half, had one room back to normal. Next, I turned to that terrible hall bedroom and have been plugging away at that most of the summer. I solved the "what to do with all of this junk" problem the easy way...threw out 20 %, gave away 15 % and put 15 % into the guest room I finished cleaning. That leaves half of it still up there but at least there is a path in case the 911 crew needs to make a midnight visit.
Next on the list, my bedroom, which at present resembles one of those haunted houses you see at Halloween, narrow paths, everything disguised by blankets, spreads, old clothes and lots of creepy cobwebs. The rug is barely visible but what the heck, I am really sick of the horseradish mustard color anyway. However, the dust is making my sinusitis flare up so that means hoe out time like it or not!
Tune in for next installment.
Low-carb Granola base
3 years ago