Poking around on Blogspot and came across my old blog..I can't believe it is still on here as it's been 3 or 4 years since I posted anything on it. My best intentions to keep my Blogspots up has been all for naught as I have spent the last 3 years in ill health.. running to Drs, going for tests, laying down because I felt too ill to sit or stand up..and here I am now..on the road to wellness it seems.
Life has not changed all that much so with hopes for the best, I shall just pick up where I left off .
W planted some sunflowers last year and had a beautiful crop..some of them over 10 ft tall, unfortunately they got in a little late so most of them were not fully ripe when we had our first frost, it didn't seem to bother th birds in the slightest..they gobbled up every immature seed and when they ran out, came to the feeders and the front porch where the seed supplies never run out.
It's so bright and cheerful today that I thought a brisk walk would be in order..as I stepped out on the flagstone patio a gust of cold wind changed my mind and I came back into the house just as a huge flock of geese went over..the 5th one since yesterday morning. The Redwinged Black birds are back, the first one was here on the 7th of March, Norm reported 5 of them on the virbirnum bush this morning..I love their happy OKA-Lee call, a sure sign of spring.